A new media form that refreshes older media is the Kindle. The Kindle is an electronic device that allows us to reed hundreds of books from a single source. The Kindle tries to take the place of the book that everyone has grown so accustomed to. Instead of creating a device that has a wall of text going on forever like on a web page, the Kindle breaks it down into a book format. Ironically enough the Kindle is trying to replace the book by creating an interface much like reading a book. When using the Kindle, you move from page to page by making a sweeping motion much like turning the page in a book. You can also place bookmarks to which you can come back later if for example you really liked a quote or a line. Kindle also saves your spot much like in the book and it has page numbers like it would in an actual hard cover book. The Kindle also adds a few features that transcend the regular old book. Now you are connected to multimedia where you can share how far in the book you have already read and share quotes from the book with your friends. The introduction of multimedia into the realm of books is probably the biggest innovation that Kindle added in its remediation of books.
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