Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Post #7 Visual Cues

- http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjMyOTM4MDMxNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjIyNzExOA@@._V1_SX214_.jpg

For an example of an image that uses one visual cue above all others I chose the poster for The Amazing Spider-Man movie. The poster depicts Spider-man surrounded by his webs with the city of New York in the background. He has two diagonal cuts on his chest that seems to have been done by something with claws. Spider-man also seems to be staring at the viewer although it is hard to tell because his eyepieces are reflective. In his eyes we see the reflection of the rest of New York City. The poster uses all the visual cues but the one that is most dominant, in my opinion, is color. Spider-man is wearing his trademark blue and red costume, which simply captures our eyes because blue and red are some of the most eye drawing colors out there. There also seems to be some sort of blue light right behind Spider-man, which illuminates him further and punctuates the blue side of his costume. The blue tint of his webbing all around him also make a kind of frame around Spider-man, further making him the focus of the poster. By making the background darker our eyes are instantly drawn to Spider-man. The white letters at the bottom of the poster also catch our eyes. The designers made the poster so that our eyes lock on to Spider-man and then down to the white letters and only then do we focus on the city behind him. 

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